5 Reasons You Need This Month’s August Glossybox


Oh em Glossy! You know with every month I just get more and more excited by the delivery of that black and white packaging that seals the beautifully presented August Glossybox. Realising I receive it before the masses as a Press Box also gets me even more excited as I can offer the first sneak […]

You Need To Buy The Body Shop World Spa

The Body Shop Spa of the World Firming and Toning Range Elle Blonde

The Body Shop is one of those brand’s you know that a distant family member buys you one of ‘those sets’ for Christmas that you never use, usually it contains a net scrubbing bag…well so I thought. Not anymore. Over the last few years, the body shop has had a total overhaul and has totally […]

Lush Carlisle: New Product Launch


I often joke I’m a Princess, yet last night I kind of was. I headed to Lush Carlisle for the exclusive preview of their brand new ranges which launch today. Having headed over to my Grandparents’ house earlier in the day (they live in Penrith – more on that over the next few weeks) I […]

How To Complete The Beauty Base Drug Store Makeup Dupe Challenge

Milani beauty-bay-dupe-milani-naked-illuminated-trio-foundation-elle-blonde-luxury-lifestyle-blog

I’ve been fascinated with makeup ever since I can remember. With a thick Chanel foundation being one of my staples through high school. I then flitted between MAC, Estee Lauder and Dior to name a few over the years. Always with the high end brand name as my go to I’ve never used ‘drug store […]