We all go through the same old beauty regime every day. I’m sure you will know yours inside out! But because we are so used to our beauty steps, we can often overlook one of the most important aspects. Hygiene! It is important that you make sure all the steps you take are as hygienic as possible to prevent the spread of infection. So to stay safe, follow the following tips and tricks, and you won’t ever be putting yourself at risk for the sake of looking good.
What you need to know about Beauty & Hygiene: Stay Safe Looking Good
Clean Your Beauty Brushes
If you’re like me, you will use makeup brushes on a daily basis to apply eyeshadow, foundation, and bronzer. As you are using them all day, it is reasonable to think that bacteria will be building upon them. The best way to make sure none of these bacteria causes an eye or skin infection is to wash your brushes regularly. Simply washing in warm water with washing up liquid should do.
Leave them to naturally air dry before using them again. It’s a good idea to wash all your makeup brushes once a fortnight.
Keep An Eye On New Piercings
Getting a piercing is a great way to update your look. You could go for one as bold as a nose piercing, or something slightly more discreet in your ear. Piercing Aftercare is extremely important no matter where your piercing is. You should wash the piercing twice a day with the specialist solution that the piercer gives you. It is also important not to touch it too much. If you do need to touch it, wash your hands first to prevent getting it infected.
Only Use Your Flannel For Your Face
Flannels or any other type of washcloth that you use to clean your face shouldn’t be used for anything else. Some girls also use the same cloth to wash their body within the shower or bath. However, this isn’t a good idea for feminine hygiene reasons. Our faces have sensitive skin, so you shouldn’t use your flannel for any other part of your body. Otherwise, you might end up spreading bacteria and causing a rash on your face. It is especially important not to use the same cloth for your face and crotch area.
Throw Out Old Makeup
Did you know that your makeup products all have use-by dates? If you check the bottles and pots, you will be able to find these dates. You wouldn’t eat some food if it had gone out of date, so why keep on using makeup after it has expired? If you carry on using your old makeup, you will be putting yourself at risk of serious infections. You can make your makeup last for slightly longer by storing it in the fridge. But it is still important to throw it out once it gets quite old.
Keeping up with personal hygiene is essential to stay healthy and avoid infections. Especially in today’s world, where infectious diseases can spread quickly, it is important to maintain good hygiene practices. Good hygiene is not only crucial for our health, but it also impacts how we look and feel about ourselves.
One aspect of personal hygiene that often gets overlooked is maintaining hygiene with our beauty tools. Most of us use beauty tools like tweezers, makeup brushes, and sponges, but we often neglect to clean them regularly. This can lead to the accumulation of bacteria, dirt, and oil on these tools, which can cause infections, skin irritation, and other health issues.
To avoid putting yourself at risk from any nasty bacterial infections, it is important to clean your beauty tools regularly. For example, if you use tweezers to pluck your eyebrows, make sure to clean them with soap and water or rubbing alcohol after each use. Similarly, makeup brushes and sponges should be washed with mild soap and water at least once a week.
Another important aspect of personal hygiene is to be aware of the expiry dates of your beauty products. Expired products can harbor bacteria, which can cause infections or irritation to your skin. It is also important to avoid sharing your beauty tools with others, as this can spread infections and diseases.
In addition to personal hygiene practices with our beauty tools, there are other measures we can take to maintain good hygiene. This includes regular hand washing, showering or bathing regularly, wearing clean clothes, and avoiding touching our face with unwashed hands.
Overall, good hygiene practices are essential to maintain our health and wellbeing. By incorporating regular cleaning and maintenance of our beauty tools and following other basic hygiene practices, we can look and feel our best while staying healthy and hygienic.
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