4 Ways To Stop Procrastinating After Reading This…

We all start the year with great gusto, the truth is though, how many of us actually keep up with our ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ without procrastinating. The answer is 3%. A whopping 97% of people fail. It’s amazing really that 3% of people who make resolutions (or revolutions as my small cousin likes to call them…) pinpoint an exact minute in their lives to, in fact, revolutionise their lives for the better.

I’d love to know, now we’re nearly at the end of January, how many resolutions you have still going? Statistically, the second week of January is the length of time before most resolutions are broken. Just in case you wondered.

One of my resolutions was to eliminate every second I spend procrastinating. I used to be the worst. I’d put things off, I’d make excuses. I’d drag things out and to be honest although it was an amazing year I just lost focus quite a lot of the time.

Blogging Tips | How to stop procrastination and work smarter to make money from your blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Business Coaching

I’m going, to be honest with you, it’s the 9th of January today while I’m writing this. I’ve been back to work since the 3rd January and I’ve done more in those few days than I did in the whole of November and December per put together, as I’m not procrastinating. Simply because I’m now working smarter and not harder.

I’ve scheduled 4 posts a week for the rest of January and the majority of February. I’ve actually done this with purpose. I have the busiest year coming up and I want to be ahead of myself instead of constantly chasing my tail. I’ve found that by removing all distractions I’m getting more work done. I switch my phone off between 10-2 every day and this is when I power through my to-do list.

Fortunately, I can write 4 good quality posts in these four hours which is a week’s worth of content. Instead of spending all my time trying to write and struggling I have a plan, I know what I’m writing. Most importantly I know that I have to get the week’s worth of post written in one day as the rest of my days are filled with working on my ELLEfluence Academy.

If for example, I’m always at least 4 weeks ahead of myself I give myself breathing space. Plus I have a huge bank of content for if I have to move things around for campaigns or if I get the dreaded writer’s block.

It also helps me plan my newsletter as well as incorporate marketing the ELLEfluence Academy into this site and across my social media channels. You are 500% more likely to succeed if you have a plan.

Due to having such a strong plan of action I’ve virtually eliminated my procrastination time. I’ve gone from messing about for 14 hours on my MacBook to actually being productive for 4 hours a day. Getting so much more done and having time to enjoy life.

It’s not just about removing the distraction from my work day though. I’ve also implemented a couple of other tricks to help stop my pathetic procrastination.

Blogging Tips | How to stop procrastination and work smarter to make money from your blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Business Coaching

iCal is my BFF

I hate carrying a paper diary about and I always have my phone on me, so iCal has become my best friend. I live by my diary. I put every appointment, meeting or event in my diary as well as every deadline. I know that if I have a meeting with somebody I have to have all of my sales materials ready by a certain date. With strict deadlines I now know I need to get things done.

Develop a habit

Not that kind of habit! You know, I now know I have 1 day a week to create a week’s worth of content, because of that I know each week I need to sit down and get this written. Similarly to getting up every morning and going straight to the gym. I’m more likely to stick to something if it becomes a good habit.

Perfectly imperfect

I’m anal, I know I am. I like things to look right, work properly and all fit in seamlessly. I’m my biggest critic and sometimes that led me to put things off. Like making YouTube videos. Now I know that I have only a limited amount of time to get things done so have to best utilise this time (currently have 9 minutes left of the day to finish getting this written before I have to take my little dog out).

I can count but can you account?

Accountability is the biggest factor in stopping me procrastinate. By telling people (and the universe) what my goals and deadlines are I’m holding myself accountable. Done is better than doing, isn’t it? I have a list this year and when the clock strikes midnight to welcome in 2019 I know that everything will be ticked off or there will be consequences and the person I fear the most is, well myself!

Blogging Tips | How to stop procrastination and work smarter to make money from your blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Business Coaching

If your willpower isn’t as strong as mine or if you feel like you can’t be as structured, why not pass your accountability to a friend, family member or colleague. Just give them your task list and get them to keep checking up on you to see if you have completed your goals and tasks by the set date. Make sure it’s somebody who you respect and if you don’t do something have them question why. If you’re seriously looking to reach those goals this year and stop procrastinating you need to keep pushing yourself.

Have you found something that helps stop you procrastinating? Drop it below and inspire somebody.

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P.S 2 minutes to spare. Better run this through Grammarly and keep working until my time is up. Don’t even feel the need to online shop. That’s the truth too!

As always, I’d be grateful for you pinning this post.

Blogging Tips | How to stop procrastinating and work smarter to make money from your blog | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog & Business Coaching
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