Honest Protein World Review Of Their #1 Weight Loss Powder

Weight loss, weight loss, weight loss. It’s all over at the minute, isn’t it? After a few weeks of Christmas, excess everybody seems to be in full steam ahead mode to burn those unwanted pounds they put on over the festive period. In an attempt to get back to being their healthiest selves they can be. Myself included! I’m on a personal mission to lose 5 stone by the Summer and with 5lbs down in just 5 days I’m feeling pretty positive.

Today we’re checking out the Protein World weight loss range for those of you looking to overhaul your diet.

I’m not a nutritionist or a dietician and I can only give you advice based on my personal experiences.

The Slender Blend range has been formulated with the intention of losing up to 4lbs a week.

With benefits including speeding up metabolism, each shake containing 24g whey protein and 25 vitamins & minerals. There’s no added sugar, the range is gluten-free, suitable for vegetarians and contains no GMO.

Protein World states The Slender Blend is an average cost of just £2.80 per day (for 2 meals). This is cheaper than the expensive coffee you purchase in the morning. The meal replacement programme sees you swap out two meals for shakes, porridge or bars and your third meal is a balanced and healthy 600 cal protein and veg affair.

The Slender Blend Shake (£31.99).

Available in 11 flavours I sampled the Vanilla which was plain and basic. I drank with almond milk for two meals a day which I didn’t mind as the shakes had flavour and not the awful taste of other Wheys I’ve drunk.

The protein is from grass-fed cows and contains a thermogenic blend of green tea extract and guarana extract to get your metabolism moving. The inulin fibre helps you to feel full and the premium multivitamin blend containing magnesium, zinc and biotin. This helps to contribute to healthy skin and hair and of course your immune system.

Pre and probiotics are added for digestive health and key digestive enzymes for those who struggle digesting lactose.

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

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The Slender Blend Porridge (£9.99).

With the weather being awfully cold, there’s nothing better than having a warm breakfast on your stomach to start the day. The Slender Blend Porridge is easy to make, super scrumptious and can help to switch up your meal replacement shakes. I absolutely loved the Porridge with a little almond milk in on a morning to keep me fuller, longer.

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Fat Metaboliser (£17.99) & Hunger Buster Capsules (£14.99).

I’m not sure how well these two worked as there was no measuring, I took them religiously because they are designed to curb hunger and then metabolise fat.

The Fat Metaboliser capsules contain ‘choline’ that contributes to fat metabolism. Created using plant extracts which are naturally high in B6 & B12 vitamins. Which helps to reduce fatigue and with green tea extract are great to combine with your workouts.

Then the Hunger Buster Capsules are packed with Glucomannan. Reducing cravings and in energy-restricted diets, it helps aid weight loss.

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

The Slender Blend Sachets (£6.99).

These sachets are perfect for on the go, just pop in your handbag and you’ll never have to worry about skipping a meal again. They’re also great for checking out which are your favourite flavours. Mint Choc Chip was mine! They’re the same blend as the shake just in individual servings!

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

The New Slender Bar (£7.99).

Great meal replacements or if you’re craving a snack these bars are a great go-to! 7 bars per pack they are available in 3 flavours. They’re tasty and easy to eat too, again unlike other brands.

Low calorie and gluten-free these bars pack 12g of protein and help contribute to maintaining muscle while you slim down. With added Biotin for hair and skin and including 25 vitamins & minerals. To reduce tiredness and muscle fatigue. They’re full of fibre to keep you fuller for longer too.

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

I eat pretty clean (most of the time) and personally didn’t see a great difference in my weight over the 4 weeks that I stuck to The Slender Blend. With having a broken arm I wasn’t able to exercise so feel that this would have been a contributing factor to weight loss had I been able to move more. However, I did drop about 2lbs in the month, I personally know that my body doesn’t react well to meal replacements.

I did find these shakes, porridge and bars a great flavour and unlike any other shake diet, I’ve previously tried as they did keep me full and were tasty.

Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Saying that I did read Gweni from GBeauty’s review of The Slender Blend and I know she had a great success with the range (her progress photo is amazing).

If meal replacements are something that your body is receptive to then you can shop the range here.

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Protein World Wight Loss Meal Replacement Shakes | Fitness & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Disclaimer: These items were provided complimentary, all views are our own. Read more about disclosure here.

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