4 Clever Ways To Make Your Home Feel Bigger And More Spacious

It does not matter how big or small your home is, achieving a spacious and airy feel is something all homeowners should be working towards. After all, even if you have a big house, if it is filled with clutter, it is only going to look cramped.

4 Clever Ways To Make Your Home Feel Bigger And More Spacious 1

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However, achieving this light and spacious look is not always easy, especially if you have an awkward or small room to contend with. 

With that being said, read on to discover some of the best ways you can make your home feel spacious and airy…

Utilise every corner of your home

To make your home feel more spacious, you need to make sure you are making the most of the pace that is available to you. The space under a staircase is a prime example of this. it is undoubtedly one of the most underutilised parts of any property. However, it could be used effectively for storage, enabling you to free up space around the home.

Keep it neutral

While it can be tempting to paint your bedroom walls a bright shade or to add dark colours to the hallway, you should keep things neutral if you are looking to create a light and airy impression. This does not mean that your home needs to be boring, though. Tilemall patterned tiles come in neutral shades, adding texture and intrigue.

There are lots of stunning pastel shades, from mint green to dusty pink, which you can make the most of. Not only this, but you can accessorise using small pops of colour in order to let your personality shine through. You simply need to make sure that the overall theme is a neutral one, as dark colours enclose a space and make it appear much smaller than it is, which is the last thing you want.  

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Make a statement with a large mirror

One of the best ways to open up a room and make it appear bigger is to invest in a large mirror. Not only will this look incredibly glamorous and stylish, but also it will help to make your room look more welcoming.

So, how do mirrors make a room look bigger? This is because light will reflect off the surface of the mirror and bounce back into the room. This opens it up, creating a much lighter space, and one that consequently looks a lot bigger too. You need to make sure the mirror is strategically placed so that the natural light shines through the window and onto the reflective surface. You will be surprised by how much of a difference this can make.

Leave your windows bare

You should keep your window ledges clear so that you can let the outdoors in. Keeping your windows entirely bare is the best way to go, but not everyone is comfortable with no curtains or blinds. If you fall into the latter camp, it is a good idea to opt for airy and light voiles instead so that the natural sun can come through and brighten up the room in question.


In conclusion, making your home feel bigger and more spacious is possible with just a few simple tricks. By utilising every corner of your home, keeping the decor neutral, using a large mirror to make a statement, and leaving your windows bare, you can transform even the smallest of spaces into a more open and inviting area.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different design ideas and find what works best for your home to create a comfortable and spacious living environment.

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