Easy and Smart Ways You Can Grow Your Following On Your Social Media

Whether you want to increase your standing as an influencer on social media or you’re just a really outgoing person, you need to find ways to increase your following on social media. It’s not about getting the most likes or reactions. It’s about getting better engagement and interaction with the people that look up to you as well.

Easy and Smart Ways You Can Grow Your Following On Your Social Media | Business Tips | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Increasing your following is easier said than done though.

Brands, influencers, and organizations alike can all benefit from a large social media following. Once you already have a solid fan-base, it’s much easier to get more likes naturally. The tough part is starting from the bottom and increasing your followers from there. 

If you’re having a tough time getting the momentum you need, then you might want to consider these easy and smart methods to get more followers.

Easy and Smart Ways You Can Grow Your Following On Your Social Media

As people are already visiting your platforms or pages, it would be wise to direct them to other pages which could tell them more about you. To do this seamlessly, you should follow the advice from Link In Bio social media gurus and consider shortened URLs on your home page. Not only will this help you promote your other platforms, but it also lets people know more about you.

Let’s look at Instagram for instance. You can add URLs at the bottom of your profile description for your viewers to see. The links could direct your followers to your other social media platforms, or even an About Me page that you have created yourself.

This exposes your followers to content that’s related to you. Most importantly, it helps you merge the followers you have between your social media platforms as well.

Fuel Up A Competition

You need to understand that people are naturally competitive. They’ll look for contests to participate in. They’ll even be more encouraged if there’s a reward that’s waiting for them.

Starting a social media contest on your page or platform is a great and creative way to increase your followers. It’s especially more effective if you are running a business page as you can let your products serve as the prizes for the event.

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You need to be creative when it comes to starting contests as these will also serve as user-generated content for your page. A good example of this is making your followers post a picture of themselves using your products partnered with a caption on how the item has changed their lives.

Video Is King

Videos used to be the bane of marketers but the trend has shifted in favour of the medium already. As of 2020, there are over 200 million online video viewers in the United States alone. Since videos are now favoured, it might be time to rely on them to increase your followers.

Easy and Smart Ways You Can Grow Your Following On Your Social Media 1

Instead of focusing solely on texts and photos, make the content you post be more varied by adding in videos every once in a while. You should go above and beyond posting video content that others have already done before. Be more creative so that people see worth in following your brand.

Collaborate With Others

As you may have noticed, social media influencers and brands alike are more active when it comes to collaborations. It could be in the form of product placements or simple mentions. In the case of YouTubers, they actively appear in one another’s videos. It’s an effective way of increasing the reach of two brands.

You should consider collaborating with other brands or personalities online. This helps you reach out to their audience and in turn, the other party benefits from your followers too. It helps that you collaborate with people who are in the same niche as you so both of your followers already have an established understanding of what you offer.

Create Useful Content

It’s a given that people only follow influencers and pages that have value to them. It’s bad practice to post just about anything you want to. It’s a must that your content also gives new information or at least keeps your followers entertained. The more useful your content is, the easier it will be to increase your following on social media. 

Whether you are using videos or photos, always consider whether there’s something people can get from the content you have.

Increasing the number of followers you have on social media is a huge challenge that many fail to commit themselves to. With enough creativity and determination, you can increase your followers ten-fold. Keep in mind that this is also a waiting game. You don’t hit 100k subscribers or followers overnight.

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