4 Simple Ways To Enjoy A Virtual Night In With Friends

Travel is kind of difficult to do at the moment, as too is seeing your best gal pals. That doesn’t mean that you have to drive yourself to boredom sitting at home on your own, though, let’s talk about a virtual night in.

I think that during the first lockdown thanks to services like Facetime and Zoom, we established that it is easy to spend time with all the people you care about. You can lose an entire evening chatting to your girlfriends and having fun with some of these virtual-friendly activities.

We have picked 4 fabulous suggestions for a perfect virtual night in with friends that you can add to your list to really help alleviate the boredom you might have during weekends when you can’t go out out. Throw on your best loungewear and get ready for a great virtual night in!

4 Simple Ways To Enjoy A Virtual Night In With Friends

Spa Session

You might not be able to go to the spa with the girls, but that doesn’t mean you can’t all spend an evening pampering yourselves. It’s super easy to give yourself a makeshift spa sesh, even when none of you are in the same room.

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All you need to do is decide in advance how you’re going to pamper yourselves and ensure that everyone has the necessary tools at their disposal. You’ll find some great ideas for the perfect spa session with friends here, which can easily be adjusted to accommodate virtual parties during these trying times. With any luck, you’ll all log off feeling refreshed and a little bit better about your current situation.

Mystery Party

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? If you and your girls are feeling a little inquisitive and eager to solve a whodunnit, you can always try hosting an evening of mystery, courtesy of mysteriousmail.com.

The nominated party will receive several letters in the post, revealing a dark mystery that all of you have to solve. It’s an excellent way to pass a few hours and work out which of you is best suited to hunt a killer. If everyone enjoys unravelling the secrets contained in the mystery box, you might want to think about trying out an escape room when all the restrictions are lifted.

Movie Marathon

It’s the classic girls’ night in activity that can survive any pandemic. You might not be in the same room as everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t all watch a movie together.

Virtual Night In How to make Netflix nights better | Technology | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Decide what you’re in the mood for, browse through Netflix, and then all press play at the same time. As everyone watches and comments on the film, you’ll forget about being separated and feel like things are finally back to normally.

Virtual Night In Party Games

Nothing gets people laughing quite like a good party game. While things like Monopoly or Scrabble might be a little difficult on a video call, there are still tons of things you can play through your computer.

Things like Pictionary, Scattergories, and 20 Questions are all excellent choices, as are these suggestions. You could also consider some trivia, maybe even designing your own quiz to test what your gal pals know. If you’re feeling particularly devilish, you could base the questions around your lives and see who in the group remembers the most about your friendships.

How to make Netflix nights better | Technology | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

We can’t wait for the day when we can finally have a proper girls’ night in again. Until then, though, these virtual night in suggestions should do just fine.

What girls night in events have you organised? We would love to hear them in the comments section below. As always, if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to ‘Pin It’ on Pinterest and share with your friends and family across social media and beyond!

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