The Many Faces Of Teaching: 5 Ways To Become A Better Teacher

Did you know teachers are some of the most influential figures in a young person’s journey? A good teacher can enhance engagement, general participation, passion, and proclivity for learning whereas a ‘bad’ one will have exactly the opposite effect. Which situation sounds better? It will always be the first, and this guide explores what it really means to embody this role by discussing the many faces of teaching. 

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Imparting Knowledge

It stands to reason that the biggest job a teacher has is to impart knowledge to their students. Whether they are teaching the standard lesson in front of them, or another important thing about life, a teacher has a unique vantage point. They stand at the head of the classroom, and whether students hang on every word, or only absorb half of the narrative, the words that come out of their mouth still yield a profound impact in the grand scheme of things. The way you deliver content will be crucial in terms of getting students rallied to engage and respond. 

Recognizing Student Struggles

Often, a teacher will be the first person to notice an achievement gap in education. This means, a student may be struggling to follow the standard progress markers and is instead falling behind their peers in the classroom. Taking notice and stepping up is a major part of the role and will be the only way to ensure that no student is left behind in their learning journey. 

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Teaching Regulation and Empathy

You cannot really work with young students or teenage ones without also having to help with regulation and empathy skills from time to time. It is just a natural part of the job that all educators must embrace if they hope to stand a chance of getting through to students in any meaningful capacity. There will be fallouts, angry students, upsets, and giddiness to handle in the learning environment and your job will entail managing all of this in a healthy way that is entirely led by boundaries, firmness, and compassion. 

Thinking Outside of the Box

Teachers always have to think outside of the box. Every single day on the job is different. There are varying moods, ever-changing material, a million and one circumstances outside of your control and so much more to consider. You have to be ready for anything, and really capable of adapting flexibly to the unpredictable fluctuations throughout a school day. 

Communicating and Interpreting

There will always be a level of communication and interpretation required as well. Whether this is with caregivers and parents, fellow teachers and management, or even students and young learners, classroom leaders have to actively listen and communicate professionally across the board. This has to happen in a way that supports correct interpretation of the surroundings too so that misinformation does not seep through and compromise the values you uphold. 

The Discipline Factor

It is hard to escape the fact that working in a school means you will be someone with authority and therefore the person in charge of conflict and discipline. As a teacher, you are bound by the school’s policy to a certain extent. However, you will also learn how to deal with conflict effectively in a meaningful way that creates positive habits for your students and advocate for neutrality and support throughout the various peer groups too. Yes, you are there to uphold the law, but it is up to you how you interpret that. 

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Being a teacher means being many different things. You are an educator first and foremost, but this role transcends just this simple description. Every day will bring new challenges and excitement, and this is the most wonderful thing of all. 

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