Preparing for the Real Estate License Exam: 4 Tips on What to Expect and Good Study Practices

One of the most daunting steps toward obtaining your real estate license and taking your first steps as the real estate agent you dreamed of becoming is one small word: exam. To get your license, you must pass the real estate exam. Thankfully, if you’re looking to pass it on the first try, you’re in the right place.

This article will explain the steps that lead up to taking the test and what it may look like, as well as good study habits and ways to relieve test-related stress. Whether you’re looking to do some California real estate exam prep or are simply exploring your possible career options, by the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll understand what to do and what habits you need to develop.

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Preparing for the Real Estate License Exam: 4 Tips on What to Expect and Good Study Practices

Research and Take all of the Required Classes

Before worrying about the real estate exam, you need to consider which classes you need to take. Each state has different requirements on which courses to take and how many total course hours are required. Once you know which courses to take, you’ll have to decide which school to go to. 

Each one will cater to the state’s requirements, but they may also have special requirements for students as well. For example, some may be physical buildings you need to visit, while others provide online courses, and many provide options for both or have hybrid classes. What you can do and what your schedule will look like will vary from school to school and state to state.

A good habit to utilize while you’re taking these classes is to pay attention and take notes. Your notes need to be detailed enough to allow you to recall the information you learned later without being too wordy, which could cause you to miss vital information. If you discover you’re struggling with a topic, then your next steps may vary. In a physical classroom, ask your question to your professor or classmates right then and there. 

If you’re in an online class, you may need to try and contact the teacher if there is one. Consider utilizing either the school’s tutoring programs or search for other online resources should a professor be unavailable. Tutoring sites may be a good place to start your search for clarification.

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Examining the Test

After you’ve completed your courses, you should receive information about your state’s exam, like when you can take it and how much it will cost. You’ll need to study for the test once your classes have ended, and that’s much easier to do once you have an idea of what may be on the test. While the specifics vary from state to state to match each one’s specific real estate laws and regulations, there are a few constants you can prepare for. 

Nowadays, many states will have you take an online multiple-choice test that is broken into two sections. One part will focus on the state’s specific laws to see how well you understand them, and the other will be national and focus more on practices and principles. Each section will receive its own score, and both must be passed. Usually, if you fail one section of the exam, then you only need to retake that section.

Before you take the test, try and discover what the testing center’s regulations are. Some may not allow certain calculators or prohibit chewing gum. These regulations should be visible somewhere, such as on their website, and you should review them thoroughly. This will not only tell you what you should and shouldn’t bring with you but will also give you an idea as to what the atmosphere of the center may be like.

Learning and Practicing Good Study Habits

Once you’ve finished your courses and understand the test center’s hours and rules, it’s time to dig into studying. This is where those notes you took earlier come into play. Some good study habits to practice include keeping your notes organized, finding yourself a study area, and setting aside some study time.

Keeping your notes organized is vital to good studying. Having loose notes all over the place means you’ll be stressing and spending more time looking for the right papers than remembering and absorbing the information you’ve learned. 

How you decide to organize them is completely up to you, including whether they’re physical, digital, or both. A good way to get a glimpse at what your state’s test may look like and to discover which subjects you need to focus on. Feel free to utilize tutoring offerings as needed during this process.

You’ll also need to find time to study and a study area. Finding this area may be difficult at first, as so many places can be full of distractions, and stress can make focusing nearly impossible, but with enough trial, error, and effort, you’ll find the perfect place. Once established, return here to study at the same time every time. 

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Doing this will allow your mind and body to associate certain places and hours with studying, which will make the process easier and more rewarding for you. This may also help you avoid procrastination as it becomes routine for you to spend a bit of time every so often just reading notes and doing practice tests.

Reducing Exam Anxiety

The worst part about any exam isn’t actually the exam itself; it’s the underlying test anxiety and finding ways to reduce it

We’ve already covered some of these methods, such as setting up a study schedule, but there are a few more to consider. For one, you need to take care of yourself by eating well, drinking plenty, and getting enough sleep. While this last one may seem difficult, attempting to reach it can help with the next step: discovering the relaxation techniques that work for you. 

These may be simple things such as imagining your success or practicing one of the many deep breathing exercises. By practicing these methods when stress is preventing sleep, you’ll discover which methods do and don’t work and how you can tweak them so they can work in the test center.

Don’t let your fear of tests overcome your excitement about how close you’re to achieving your dreams. You’re so close to becoming a real estate professional, and some people want to see you succeed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to people with questions, search for online supplemental material, and talk about your excitement or stress with those close to you as necessary.

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