4 Things You Need To Know About Somatic Therapy

Relaxing your mind and body is a skill that takes time and intentional practice. Without guidance and support, finding ways to unwind your mind and body can be tricky. This is where somatic therapy can be highly beneficial, giving you the tools and support needed for deep relaxation and peace. Somatic therapy, specifically, focuses on the mind-body connection and uses both psychotherapy and physical therapies for holistic healing and relaxation.

Unwinding the Mind and Body: A Beginner’s Guide to Somatic Therapy | Mindset & Health | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Somatic therapy is defined as a therapeutic technique that focuses on helping patients heal from trauma using the mind and body connection as a way to process tension and pain that the body has been holding on to for extended periods of time. 

The idea behind somatic therapy is that when a person experiences a stressful or traumatic event, their body goes into flight or fight mode simply to protect itself. Over time, the body stores the stress from that negative experience. This stored stress can lead to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other physical issues. Somatic therapy helps to release stress and pain with a combination of cognitive therapy as well as physical movement. Therapists will use different techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and other techniques to help patients process trauma and work towards healing. 

Somatic Therapy Is A Personalized Experience

If you have never been to a somatic therapy appointment before you may be wondering what actually occurs during the appointment. Being aware of what to expect ahead of time for a therapy appointment can help ease any worries or concerns you may have about the process. Preparing yourself before the session can also help you experience the best results. 

The purpose of somatic therapy is to help the body process trauma and release stress both from present and past experiences. Your therapist will work with you and use a combination of talk therapy as well as physical exercises to help learn about your past and history. Together you will work to help your body relax and let go of the pain that you have experienced in your past. Remember that you can always tell your therapist when you are uncomfortable or need a break during a session. 

 When you attend a somatic therapy appointment, your focus will begin with awareness of your body. While there are numerous different techniques that may be used by your therapist, your therapist will work with you to find both what you feel comfortable doing as well as what techniques will be most beneficial for your specific experiences. 

With different people having different experiences and responses, every somatic experience is personalized for the individual patient. Some of the more common techniques somatic therapists use are deep breathing exercises, yoga and pilates poses, as well as meditation practices. 

Understanding the Impact of Somatic Therapy

Participating in somatic therapy provides numerous benefits both during and after your sessions. During an appointment, you will likely feel a range of emotions and physical responses. Remember that one of the main components of somatic therapy is to help your brain and body process past traumatic events. Because of this, it may bring up a lot of triggering feelings and intense emotions. 

4 Things You Need To Know About Somatic Therapy 1

Many therapists recommend giving yourself time to recover from the intense results that can sometimes occur during a somatic therapy session. If you schedule an appointment during a workday, it can be helpful to take the rest of the day off to recover and process everything that occurred during your session. Even if you just give yourself a buffer of time between your next responsibilities, it will allow you to fully embrace what you experienced during your appointment.  While this isn’t required, many somatic therapy patients state that it is helpful to give yourself as much rest and time to restore as possible after therapy. 

Techniques From Somatic Therapy Can Be Practiced Anytime and Anywhere

One of the ultimate goals of somatic therapy is to give you strategies you can use in your day-to-day life when things become hectic or stressful. Managing stress is difficult when you don’t have the tools in place to help you. When you attend a somatic therapy session your therapist will suggest different strategies that work specifically for your body to use both during and outside of your appointment. 

4 Things You Need To Know About Somatic Therapy 2

Bringing a journal to your session is a great idea to remind you to jot down any tips or ideas that you want to remember after the appointment. Writing the ideas down at the moment will help you after the appointment when you need to remember some of the ideas and tips that your therapist mentioned during the appointment. 

Somatic Therapy Focuses on Acceptance and Mindfulness 

A word that you will often hear associated with somatic therapy is mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is being aware of how your body is reacting physically in the moment. In somatic therapy, your therapist will help you transition between both the present and the past. It can be extremely painful and anxiety-producing to relive traumatic events. Teaching your body to be mindful will allow you to help your body stay calm when you are recalling a painful period in your life. 

When you are focused on being in the present during your appointment your therapist will ask you to check in with your body to see how you are feeling after revisiting the trauma you had previously experienced. Bringing yourself back to the present allows you to focus on being mindful and helps your body relax throughout the session. 

When you are fully immersed in a somatic therapy experience, you are giving your mind and body the opportunity to release stress and tension and fully unwind. Learning about the therapeutic process of somatic therapy helps you receive the full benefits that the therapy has to offer. 

Remember that it is important to communicate openly and freely with your therapist to make sure you are comfortable during the session. Over time as you attend somatic therapy sessions you will notice the numerous benefits the therapy provides both during the sessions and in your everyday life. 

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