Which Are Among the Best Bongs & Spoon Pipes Available – 9 Things to Consider

Some cannabis users find that percolators offer a better smoking experience since the smoke is cooled before the user inhales it. The bubbles filter the smoke, refining it from the percolator’s heated water. This also removes toxins, proving to be a healthier and easier process for the lungs. Click here for details on what percolators are and how they better your experience. 

The percolator bong works comparably to a coffee bodum separating the smoke from the ash, carbon, and resin, leaving behind a much smoother smoke. 

Another benefit is that the smoke is forced through water, bringing some moisture through as it passes into the throat and lungs, allowing comfort with the inhalation. 

Selecting a percolator bong can be tricky since there is such a volume of different styles, each with varied benefits but essentially the same basic function. 

Some of the best percolator bongs are built in, while others are separate to be added to spoon pipes or other favored pipes. They can even be put with another percolator for additional filtration for the smoothest pull. 

Research will help you understand the different styles, their benefits, and which will suit your needs best. Let us look at some different options to get an idea so you can make a more educated decision. 

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Which Percolator Bongs Are Among the Best on The Market 

Percolators provide a way to not only cool the smoke before its inhaled but remove toxins and add a touch of moisture, making the experience much more pleasant. 

The tricky part is deciding how you want to incorporate the percolator. You have many options, including having a bong with it built-in or having it separate as an add-on to pipes or even other percolators for ultra-smoothness. 

Find out how a percolator works in a bong at https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/ask-a-stoner-how-does-a-percolator-work-in-a-bong-9217441#

Research will give you an insight into how one differs from the other and the benefits each offers to make an informed decision. Consider the following types of percolators as a guide to get you started. 

The disc 

The disc percolator is favored due to its propensity to produce loads of bubbles based on its power level. Because a percolator uses bubbles to filter the smoke, having a lot is a major plus. 

However, the percolator is peppered with tiny holes to produce these bubbles, which can clog. You must be able to take a deep, extended pull for this filtration level to be valuable. It could be tough for those new to using the equipment. 

The circ 

The circ and the disc each come in many combinations and shapes, but the circ percolator has slits surrounding the perimeter instead of tiny holes. The circ and disc functionality is comparable, however. 

The barrel 

As the user, you will connect the barrel percolator directly to the down-stem in either a sideways or upright position within the rig. Gridded slots in a cylindrical shape with this percolator give the user an increased diffusion from a plethora of holes greater than most on the market. 

Those preferring an “all-in-one” find the percolator ideal as a thorough filter with the incredible production of bubbles resulting from the myriad of holes. 

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The showerhead 

You can achieve maximum diffusion while minimizing the pull with the showerhead percolator. It uses a large tube to bring the smoke from various holes reminiscent of a barrel percolator while a smaller tube is joined to the primary chamber. Read details here on using a water bong. 

The Swiss 

The name derives from the holes in the bong’s body that resemble Swiss cheese making the percolator design distinct. These will be familiar to those who know the Faberge Egg bongs. 

The air is forced to navigate around the body’s holes, with the drag being lessened. Because of the glass style, the smoke readily breaks down and becomes cool. 

The honeycomb 

Towards the bong’s base, you will see pairs often stacked to establish multiple chambers resembling flat disks peppered with holes. Through these varied chambers, the bubbles are given a direct path out. 

You can add discs for the smoke to navigate through for more thorough filtration, allowing a cooler hit but not prolonging the smoking process. 

The UFO 

A UFO percolator has a reputation for efficiency and ease with cleaning. The base is flared. With this sort of percolator, the down-stem is situated with the glass, bubble-shaped body, only this faces up. 

There are slits situated at the base where the smoke is pulled. There is a greater capacity for cooling and diffusion due to the amount of space. 

The donut 

Some donut percolators actually resemble a donut, but these are really Swiss percolator that has merely one hole instead of many in the body. The glassmaker can situate the hold along the base anywhere, with the primary purpose being to pull the smoke through the area surrounding this hole, cooling it before inhaling. 

Which Are Among the Best Percolator Bongs Available | CBD | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

The coil 

This is among the extravagant designs with the inclusions of either one or two differing coils. One offers two openings winding through the chamber’s center. The other is a glycerin coil capable of a cooler hit. The cool will need to be frozen to accomplish this. 

Regardless of which type of coil you choose, these are striking and provide a smooth, extended drag above most other percolators. 

Final Thought 

Regardless of the type of glass piece a user chooses for their smoking experience, a percolator intends to improve that session with its diffusion and cooling methodology. 

An extended, deep hit will feel comfortable, relaxing, and easy when there is a touch of moisture, the temp is reduced, and no toxins or contaminants are in the smoke. 

A few things to pay attention to is the amount of maintenance when cleaning. Regardless of what you use for smoking, cleanliness and hygiene are crucial. 

You also want the one you choose to be functional and practical for your specific needs, what you prefer and do not like. It is your experience; make it what you want it to be.

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