3 benefits Cannabis has on fitness and performance when exercising

There is an opinion among people that cannabis and exercise are completely incompatible things. However, online dispensary Canada research and the experience of many athletes completely refute such assumptions. In fact, cannabis can become a real friend and helper of athletes, helping to recover from injuries, giving self-confidence, and also establishing a sleep and wakefulness regimen for the normal functioning of the body.

Of course, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, the variety of marijuana, and the frequency and amount of use. Everything is good in moderation. People involved in sports most often have high fortitude and endurance, so mindless abuse, in this case, is usually not a question.

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3 benefits Cannabis has on fitness and performance when exercising

How marijuana affects physical activity

People engage in physical education and sports for different reasons. Someone is struggling with excess weight or, conversely, wants to achieve muscle relief, someone just wants to keep the body in good shape and maintain their health, and someone chooses sports as an opportunity for self-realization and self-affirmation.

In any case, physical activity takes a lot of energy and time, and in the modern world, with the incredible pace of life and constant employment, this is a rather limited resource. And, no matter how strange it may sound, it is cannabis that can become the very stimulant and helper that will provide a surge of strength and good spirits for sports.


Sativa varieties of cannabis improve mood and stimulate those areas of the brain that are responsible for a sense of determination and self-confidence. With such a “companion”, exhausting workouts or long monotonous actions (for example, running on a treadmill) are much easier. But indica cannabis will come in handy after sports. It will relieve muscle spasms, and pain, relieve feelings of tension and allow you to quickly fall into a deep sleep.

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The debate about whether marijuana helps athletic performance or, conversely, reduces physical activity can be endless. To date, there are not enough authoritative scientific studies confirming or refuting these assumptions. But a guy named Jim McAlpine from sunny San Francisco, where marijuana has been legalized since 2016 suggested that anyone who wants to test this theory for themselves.

In 2017, he opened a fitness club called Power Plant Fitness, the main feature of which is the use of cannabis for sports purposes. You can smoke it before classes, during classes, and after them. The fitness bar also sells cannabinoid shakes and the edibles weed.

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Contrary to popular belief, visitors, although they are heavy smokers, successfully train and achieve success in sports.

While the use of marijuana for sports performance remains a topic of controversy, the concept of incorporating cannabis into fitness routines has gained popularity in recent years. The use of CBD products, which do not contain the psychoactive component of THC, has become especially widespread among athletes for their potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

Some athletes also claim that cannabis helps them focus and improve their mental game. While there is still much to learn about the effects of cannabis on athletic performance, the growing trend of incorporating it into fitness routines suggests that many individuals believe in its potential benefits.


In conclusion, the combination of cannabis and exercise can provide a variety of benefits to individuals. From increasing focus and motivation during workouts to reducing inflammation and muscle soreness after, cannabis can enhance the overall exercise experience.

However, it is important to note that the use of cannabis before exercise may not be suitable for everyone and should be approached with caution. As with any new exercise routine or supplement, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cannabis into your workout regimen.

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