4 Easy Ways to Show Your Friends That You Care

We all lead such busy lives that it’s sadly all too easy to let your friendships fall by the wayside. No matter how much you value your pals, we’re all guilty of forgetting to reply to a text or leaving it months between a meet-up. However, good friendships are hugely important and there are lots of small things you can do to stay friends, even when you’re busy. Here are a few simple ways to show your friends you care.

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Invite them for coffee

Don’t underestimate the importance of a quick, in-person catch-up. This gives you the chance to check in with each other and find out what’s happening in your friend’s life and let them know what’s new with you. Even if it’s just a 30-minute chat over coffee, this will help you stay connected and for many of us, a quick coffee is far easier to organise and commit to than a day trip or night out, which might involve saving up, booking time off work and organising a babysitter!

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Let them know you’re thinking of them

Even if you can’t meet up in person, you can still let your friend know that you’re thinking of them. If they’re having a tough time or have a reason to celebrate or just because you miss them, let them know how much they’re loved and appreciated with a special something. You could send them flowers, a handwritten card or a thank you gift to show you care. Even a quick text or phone call can go a long way.

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Be a good listener

Whether it’s a rant about their boss, a blow-by-blow account of last night’s date or just general life chatter, when your friend is talking, make sure you’re really listening and not just waiting for your own turn to speak. Many of us struggle with this but if you find your concentration wandering, try to practice active listening to let your friend know that you’re taking their words on board and not just daydreaming!

Just be there

It may sound obvious but just being there when your friend needs you, is a huge factor in maintaining your friendship. Whether you’re at the end of the phone or on their doorstep with a bottle of wine, just knowing that they can count on you to show up when they need support is crucial.

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Why is it important to keep up with your friendships?

Having good friends is part of living a happy, balanced life and friendships are also important for our health. Good friendships have been proven to reduce our stress levels, and combat social isolation and loneliness, both of which are bad for our health. Friendships are also an important source of support and can encourage us to become our best selves and live our best lives.


To conclude, showing your friends that you care doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Simple gestures such as inviting them for coffee, being a good listener, or just letting them know you’re thinking of them can go a long way in strengthening your bond.

It is really important to keep up with your friendships as they can provide a lot of emotional support, help you maintain a really positive outlook on life, and offer a sense of belonging. Maintaining strong friendships takes some effort, however the rewards are well worth it.

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