9 Simple Mistakes You Must Avoid With Your Air Conditioning

Ignoring adequate air conditioning management could increase your energy costs, lowers the system’s efficiency, and eventually requires repair. Read on to avoid these 10 typical mistakes, which will certainly give you wonderful results to maintain your air conditioner.

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Choosing To Install Air Conditioner By Yourself

This will be a nightmare if you do so! You have to make sure that you contact a proper technician to do the installation of your new air conditioner. Check out https://www.luceaircon.sg/services/aircon-installation to schedule installation by a group of professional technicians.

Ignoring Sizing Requirements

When buying a new air conditioner, you must make sure the new unit will suit the area where it will be placed. When an air conditioner is installed in an area that is bigger than its usage capacity, it has to work more to chill the room. Overworked air conditioners will struggle to keep up with the thermostat’s demands and deteriorate more quickly. On the other hand, if an air conditioner with big capacity was placed in a smaller room, it will repeatedly turn on and off, wearing itself out and becoming less effective over time.

Pay attention to the air conditioner capacity and choose the appropriate equipment for your space. 

9 Air Conditioning Mistakes You Should Avoid

Ignoring Your Air Filter

The air filter in your home filters out dust, allergies, and other contaminants from the air that enters the system. These thin cardboard and wire structures require constant replacement. After about six months of usage, that filter gets clogged with dirt that air struggles to pass through and the device can no longer fully do its job. That not only makes your house dustier but also significantly reduces ventilation, which affects the effectiveness of your air conditioner.

By just changing a clogged filter, you can reduce the energy consumption of your air conditioner by five to fifteen percent. So be sure to replace the filter a few times a year. 

Not Updating Your Thermostat

Although programmable thermostats may make you yawn given the state of technology today, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t own one. With programmable thermostats, you can manage your cooling without having to constantly monitor it by setting different settings for different times of the day. Many modern thermostats, such as Google’s Nest thermostat, can learn the rhythms of your home so that the temperature may adjust to fit recurring schedules. 

Not Checking Your Drain

Numerous air conditioning units employ drains to catch condensation and minimize moisture problems by sending water outside the building. These drains may be simple to overlook, yet they provide a crucial function. Your air conditioning system suffers from a clogged and overflowing drain, but the surrounding walls and flooring could also be permanently damaged. To prevent muck from building up, keep your drain line clean.

Setting the Temperature Too Low

Thermostats were frequently set quite low to chill the space more quickly. This is a totally wrong idea! Unless turned off, air conditioners will operate at full power. As a result, they exert the same amount of effort to reduce the temperature. So set your thermostat to the precise setting you choose, not one that is lower than is necessary.

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Never Arranging a Check-Up

The majority of air conditioning units employ refrigerant, which pulls heat from inside the house and disperses it outside. The operation of an air conditioner depends on this refrigerant compound, but with time, small amounts might leak and reduce the system’s effectiveness. Make arrangements for a qualified technician to check your air conditioner, where required have dryer vent cleaning in Maryland completed and, if necessary, top off the refrigerant.

Turning The Air Conditioner On When No One At Home

Always turn off your air conditioning if you don’t use it, especially if no one is present at the house. Not only will it help you to save your monthly electric bill, but it will also help you to maintain the air conditioner machine. Turning it off from time to time gave the machine its much-needed rest time. 

Forgetting About Your Windows

Windows, particularly those left open, let a lot of heat into the house. Or if you let the windows open when your air conditioner is on, then it will affect your room temperature, because the aircon can’t cool it properly. Pay attention to your windows if you want to manage the temperature in your room effectively.

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