6 Smart Ways To Make Money On The Side if you Need More Cash

For most people, their main source of income never seems quite enough and they are constantly looking to make money elsewhere. Enough to take that vacation, enough to buy that new car, or even enough to simply clothe and feed your kids. Luckily, there are more and more side hustles emerging, which enable you to earn a little more money on the side, and most of them you can do from home, meaning you can be saving on childcare, and still be around to cook dinner for your family if you need to.

We’ve rounded up some of the most worthwhile money makers so that you can make a little extra cash on the side without interrupting your usual pace of life too much. Check them out below – you’ll be thanking us later!

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Create A Clothing Company

While this may sound like an expensive slog that requires huge amounts of investment and hard work, owning your own fashion company can actually be really inexpensive and easy! If you’re a fan of quirky design, why not use screen print transfers to make printed t-shirts and sweaters with cool slogans? You can buy the clothing fairly cheap at wholesale retailers and then print them at home! You can use a free WordPress site or Etsy to sell them online and watch your fashion empire grow!

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Write A Book

If you have a passion for writing and be the next big thing in literature, don’t let anyone hold you back! You don’t even have to be hugely creative or have a flair for fiction to write a book that sells well. These days many people are invested in their self-development and if you have a skill or knowledge work sharing, it’s a good idea to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!) and write your useful expertise down. You can self-publish an e-book and then sell it on Amazon – who knows you might end up topping the bestseller charts!

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If you know a lot about a certain subject, why not teach that information to others? With the rise of home learning throughout the pandemic, there are plenty of parents looking for tutors to teach their kids anything from languages to math. If you’re a whizz on the computer you can teach coding or share your proficiency in SAT prep with older students. It doesn’t even have to stop with kids! There are a ton of adults looking to broaden their horizons by learning new skills. The best thing is, you can do all of this from your home by tutoring online.

User Experience Testing 

Any large company worth their salt will undertake user testing to make sure their websites are offing the best experience possible. You can earn money by being a part of these tests and giving honest feedback so they can improve their sites. Check out places you can sign up to earn online. 


Online surveys can take a while for the dollars to pile up but it’s a surprisingly easy way to make some extra money. There are a ton of websites that pay people for surveys so sign up to a bunch and get going! Some companies offer cold hard cash, while others will give gift cards and vouchers to big retailers such as Walmart or Amazon. This is a great option if a stay-at-home mom to do whilst your baby is napping. 


If you have a skill then why not get paid for it? You could become a freelance web designer, content writer, or even personal assistant. End users can pay handsomely for a few hours of work a week and if you have a strong base of regular clients you can pull in a decent amount of extra money each week. Build a portfolio and sign up to a freelancing website that uses reviews so your clients can leave great feedback that will entice others to use your services. 

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Rent Out Your Driveway

If you live in a busy city area, you can make money from your driveway with literally zero effort. Advertise your driveway online and you can hire it out to someone long-term or for shorter periods. This is perfect if you live in an area near to a big sports arena, a popular mall, or a bustling train station. Just check with your home insurance company to see if you will be covered if anything happens to your renter’s vehicles on your watch. 

Which of these money-making tips will you be using to bring home some more bacon? Or do you have any other tips of your own? Share in the comments! 

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