Here’s a statement that we all can agree on: it’s not a party unless games are involved. Not only do games ramp up the fun at a party, but they are also a great way of socializing and bonding with other guests.
Gone are the days when party games were a childish affair. Nowadays, folks of all ages can enjoy some fantastic party games, from bachelorette party games to dinner party fun. What’s more, you can even come up with quirky versions of your own!
Without further ado, gather your friends and choose from our list of 8 party games that have it all.

8 Great Party Games For Adults and Not Just Kids
Mirror Charades
If challenging games are more up your alley, give Mirror Charades a try. While the game is quite true to the original, here’s the twist: you’ll have two people acting out the word or idea. Here’s how this works. Let’s call the people doing the actions Person A and Person B.
Person A is the one who knows what’s being acted out and will act things out behind the rest of the guests, so they’re out of sight from those who are guessing. Person B, on the other hand, is totally in the dark about what’s going on. They will have to mimic the actions of Person A for the others to guess.
This game has plenty of room for hilarious miscommunication and misunderstandings, making it super fun!

Pop the Balloon
This game is as simple as it is fun. All you need to play this game are lots of balloons and plenty of space. Here, each person tapes a balloon to one leg, leaving the other one free.
The aim of the game is simple: whoever pops the highest number of balloons while keeping their balloon intact is the winner. Rest assured, everyone will have a great time chasing each other and trying to emerge the winner amidst all the chaos and confusion.
There’s a Cookie in Your Pocket!
With Christmas just around the corner, this is the perfect game for you to play with your family and friends. As the host, you first need to have a generous stash of cookies. Place the cookies so that everyone can easily access them.
The game’s rules are simple. You need to slide as many cookies as you can into others’ pockets without getting caught in the act. If you get caught, you have to eat the cookie. Equally, if you find cookies in your pockets you’ll need to eat them.
You can give this game an exciting twist by replacing cookies with chocolates or any other festive edible that’s easy to smuggle into others’ pockets.
A Game of Cards
This is a game that also doubles up as a story-telling session. You’ll first need to prepare cards with funny questions. For example, you could ask: who is most likely to miss an appointment with Bill Gates?
You’ll need a moderator to read out the questions while the other players write down the names of people who fit the description on a piece of paper. At the end of each voting cycle, the person with the most votes is announced and they’ll need to share a related anecdote.

The Bowl Game
A popular party game for all ages, the bowl game is all about putting your fingers to the test. You take a bowl and fill it with any object – the quirkier they are, the better. In their turn, every player is blindfolded and has to pick something and identify it solely based on touch. The player with the most correct guesses is the winner.
Chinese Whispers
This is a classic for good reason – everyone loves a game of Chinese Whispers. The rules remain the same: sit or stand in a circle. Choose a phrase – it can be anything – and whisper it to the person next to you.
This will continue as the phrase is whispered from one person to the other. By the time the phrase comes back to the first player, it’s hilarious to see how it’s changed along the way!
Welcome to the Party
In this game, the host needs to set a secret rule and ask guests to bring gifts without knowing the rule! For example, the rule may be that guests need to bring items whose names start with the same letter as the colour of the dress they are wearing.
Before the party, ask your guests what they’re bringing. If they answer correctly, you invite them to your party. If they answer incorrectly, you tell them to change their gift. The game continues until everyone guesses the secret rule.
The Post-It Note Game
To play the Post-It note game, you need to split your guests into pairs. Person A will pick a Post-It note and write down the name of a person, place, or thing. Then they will stick it on Person B’s forehead.
Person B’s job is to guess who they are. They will ask Yes or No questions to Person A, who will respond accordingly. This is an entertaining and thought-provoking game, all rolled into one!