4 Essential Things You Need To Start A Wine Collection

A wine collection. Collecting wine can be an exceptionally advantageous journey, as you can ultimately build a pretty valuable collection over time. And while you can decide to sell your mature bottles for a substantial profit or simply keep on adding to your collection, you don’t always have to part with a small fortune just to get started. 

If you know which harvests from particular brands are worth buying, you can buy cheap fresh harvest bottles and age them until their value increases significantly. Alternatively, you can start by purchasing good bottles that have been aged for about a decade and still not spend too much. 

That said, you will still need to spend some money, as you will need a few things to kickstart your collection. 

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4 Essential Things You Need To Start A Wine Collection

Start With Bottles You Like

By starting your collection with specific bottles of wine that you already enjoy, you won’t really be losing as much money as you would’ve purchased these bottles anyways. And if you later decide collecting is not for you, you will still enjoy the particular bottles of wine you have already purchased. 

You can consider Dune wines or other brands that you are interested in and start your collection with bottles you know you will enjoy. And if you do later open your wines, be sure to store open bottles correctly by refrigerating the bottle, using a wine stopper, or using a wine decanter. 

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A Wine Cooler

You won’t need to have a wine cellar to get started, and you may not need a wine cellar at all if you have a wine cooler fridge that will keep your wines at the particular temperatures that they need to be stored at over time. 

Wine needs to be stored at temperatures of between 45 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Although, 55 degrees is the most suitable temperature. You will need to purchase additional wine coolers for your collection as it grows, but you can start collecting with just one of these. 

A Log Book

You’ll need to keep track of your bottles, which year they were purchased, their purchase prices, and their growing values. And the best approach to do this is with an old-fashioned logbook. 

Knowing all the details of each bottle of wine in your collection will come in handy when your collection eventually becomes valuable. This way, you’ll be able to locate valuable bottles when selling and have no trouble disclosing the bottle’s information when bargaining with interested buyers. 

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Insurance For Your Collection

You might not need insurance right away. However, as soon as you have one bottle in your collection that’s of substantial value, it will be worth your while to start shopping around for insurance and comparing quotes. 

Anything can happen to your collection, from theft to breakage. So, insurance will keep your finances in order if anything happens to your valued wine collection. And the more valuable your collection becomes, the more imperative it is to purchase a relevant insurance policy. 

Starting a wine collection can be a rewarding and enjoyable journey, offering both the pleasure of savoring fine wines and the potential for significant value growth over time.

Whether you plan to sell your bottles for profit or simply enjoy building a unique collection, the key is to start with wines you genuinely love and follow the proper steps to ensure they age well. From investing in a wine cooler to keeping detailed records and eventually considering insurance, these essentials will help you get off to a great start.

Wine collecting doesn’t have to be an intimidating or costly endeavour, you can begin small and build your collection as you go. If you’re passionate about wine, this could be the perfect hobby to immerse yourself in, providing lasting enjoyment and possibly lucrative returns. Don’t forget to share your own wine collecting tips, and feel free to spread the word by sharing this guide with fellow enthusiasts!

Do you have any tips for starting a wine collection that you think would help those keen to get into collecting? We would love to hear them in the comments section below. As always, if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to ‘Pin It’ on Pinterest and share with your friends and family across social media and beyond!

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