5 Simple Things To Convince Your Teen To Wear Glasses

If you have a teenager, then you may well know how this period in their lives can be a real struggle. Not only are they dealing with hormones flying around, but it is also a period when the opinions of their friends and peers matter even more to them. That is why a situation like getting glasses can, in their minds, be a monumental time and cause lots of stress and concern. 

What if their friends don’t like them? What if they look stupid?  On top of the typical teen gripes that they may be facing, they may also feel nervous, upset, or even angry, so persuading them that this is something that they must do could be a big task. 

Here are 5 things that may help to convince your teen to wear glasses

Let them experience the difference it could make

They must be struggling with their eyesight, or they wouldn’t need glasses in the first place. Visiting the opticians and letting them experience how much better their vision will be with glasses might be enough to convince them that it is needed. If not you might have to try other techniques to get them to wear their new-found ‘accessory’.

Many of their friends may have started wearing computer blue light glasses, even if they don’t need a prescription, which is a great way to help a teen who needs prescription glasses feel more comfortable wearing them.

5 things that may help to convince your teen to wear glasses | Fashion | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Let them choose the eyeglass frames

The impact it has on their appearance is probably one of the biggest hurdles a teen can face when needing glasses. Letting them choose the frames is a great way to alleviate some of this worry. There a huge range of teen glasses on the market, and if they find something they like and think they look great in, the battle could be over very quickly.

We experienced this when my younger cousin required specs, she was able to choose stylish designer branded glasses which helped out when it came to getting her to wear them. Admittedly, this too worked for me when I had to wear glasses at the age of 26. It made it far easier to wear them when they looked good!

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Do it in stages

It can take a bit of time to get used to wearing glasses if you haven’t done so before. If it’s recommended that they wear them all the time rather than just for specific tasks such as reading or using a computer, let them ease into it gradually.

5 things that may help to convince your teen to wear glasses | Fashion | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Perhaps you could agree that they will wear them for a few hours a day for the first week or two and slowly build that up until it becomes second nature. The less pressure they feel, the less rebellious they might be about it.

Be sure they are a good fit

If their frames are uncomfortable, they will be even less inclined to wear them, so you must make sure that they fit well and feel comfortable. Glasses can be expensive, so if you don’t buy the right thing from the outset, it could be a very costly mistake. If you are in any doubt as to the fit, get a second opinion from a specialist.

5 things that may help to convince your teen to wear glasses | Fashion | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Help to boost their confidence levels

Working on your teen’s confidence levels could make it far easier to convince them to wear glasses. If they are self-assured enough not to care what other people think, it may completely transform their mindset. Once they feel good in their own skin, they won’t likely care what other people think. If they like their glasses and think they look cool, nothing else will matter.  

Have you got a troublesome teen not wearing their glasses or have you got some great tips we haven’t covered to help others in the same predicament? We would love to hear your advice and tips in the comments section below. As always, if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to ‘Pin It’ on Pinterest and share with your friends and family across social media and beyond!

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