3 Easy Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner

Everybody absolutely loves love and is in search of a partner if they don’t have one. Love without a doubt is the most valuable currency in the world, right? And have you noticed that love is more prevalent than ever at Christmas? Everybody wants the Hallmark movie miracle, the Love Actually doorstep scene and somebody to tell them ‘to me you are perfect’. So what about love at Christmas? We are going to share with you our three top tips for surviving the holidays with your partner.

3 Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner | Relationship | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

3 Easy Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner


The holidays can be a frenetic time for everybody and often tensions are flared because of many things including; family pressure (you’re not married with children yet – what is wrong with you?), gift-giving pressure and of course the excess amount of alcohol that has been consumed. Remember to breathe.

This is one of the biggest tips for having a perfect Christmas. Breathe. If you feel like something is getting too much then take a step back and completely appreciate that everything around you actually can not control you. Only you are in control!

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to be stressed over Christmas and you really should want to be having the most incredible time with your partner. So if you only look for the good in everything and the second something starts to interrupt your peace, breathe, and in the words of Elsa from Frozen, let it go!

3 Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner | Relationship | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Agree on gift giving

This is a huge one if you’re in a new or relatively new relationship. I can remember a couple of years ago buying my boyfriend a small Christmas present (we had only been dating a few months and I AM obsessed with Christmas), it was only little.

He had kept asking me if he should buy me something and of course I kept saying no, it’s up to you. Because it was a new relationship and you know, men are hilarious. He didn’t get me anything and he felt so embarrassed when I turned up with a gift, I just laughed because it was quite funny. Safe to say the next year he made up for it well and truly.

However, the lesson to learn here is to discuss honestly with your partner on the gift-giving situation to ensure that one of you doesn’t end up in this situation.

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Make new traditions

This is one of my favourite things to do, I love hearing about every family’s Christmas traditions because they’re all so different. When you’re in a relationship it’s a great idea to create your own traditions as a couple pulling in some traditions from both of your families and of course creating your new traditions too!

3 Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner | Relationship | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

This could be decorating a tree together, going and doing something exciting like a date in Hertfordshire, a pyjama and movie night or even going somewhere special together every year.

Enjoy the holidays

Lastly, really enjoy every single moment together, although you may have been living together, found each other as your new work colleagues and spent every single moment together this year given the circumstances you should embrace and celebrate Christmas and the festive period. Everything always seems so geared up to this time of year so embrace it, enjoy it and have a great holiday!

Do you have any other tips for spending Christmas with your partner? We would love to hear them in the comments section below. As always if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to share it with your friends and family, across social media and beyond!

3 Tips To Surviving Christmas With Your Partner | Relationship | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog
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