How To Kickstart Your Quitting Journey With These Simple Steps

The reasons people smoke varies. Some do it to relax, some smoke to help them through a stressful situation, others because of the social element. However, if you’ve decided that enough is enough and you want to start your quitting journey by giving up smoking for good, it’s easy to feel daunted by the mountain you now have to climb. 

Nicotine withdrawal, irritability, mood swings, fatigue, even headaches and dizziness are just some of the withdrawal symptoms you may have to manage and battle through. However, getting through these elements will help you to reach your smoke-free target. So, what is the best way to get started? Read on for how you can kickstart your quitting journey with these simple steps.

Quitting Journey - how to stop smoking and try vaping instead | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Check out vaping

Don’t be fooled into thinking that switching from smoking to vaping is just a change in bad habits. Vaping is in fact, a much safer way to get your nicotine fix without the risk of tar, ash and harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke damaging your body. 88vape has a wide selection of vaping products, check them out by clicking the link. Vaping allows users to control how much nicotine they’re consuming, allowing you to slowly cut back at a pace that suits you. 

Quitting Journey - how to stop smoking and try vaping instead | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Try moving a little more

Part of quitting smoking is knowing how to combat and overcome those nicotine cravings, some successful quitters say that moving their bodies more and exercising in place of smoking has helped them beat the cravings and get fitter. Don’t worry, you don’t have to hit the gym each time you want a smoke, just some simple stretches or walking around can help distract your mind.

Revisit the reasons why you want to quit

Remembering why you want to stop smoking can help you push through those darker moments of your quitting journey. Reclaiming your full life expectancy, trying to erase fertility issues, have better sex, improve your teeth and oral health, reduce the risk of cancers etc. Write your reasons down and every time you’re tempted, check out your list.

Check out replacement products/items

Keeping your hands occupied is a simple yet effective way to kickstart your quitting journey. If you’re used to the feel of a cigarette in your hands, or the action of lifting a cigarette to your mouth then satisfying these muscle memories will help you succeed. Consider chewing a straw whilst stuck in traffic, holding a drink in the hand you would normally smoke with, and again using an e-cig to replace the feeling of holding a cigarette.

Quitting Journey - how to stop smoking and try vaping instead | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Change your social circle

If you smoke socially, you don’t have to let go of your friends. Just ask them to be mindful of your decision to quit. If they head outside for a smoke, don’t go with them and stand there feeling miserable. Busy yourself with something else. Or stick with people who don’t smoke. You’ll probably make plenty of new friends.

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Clean out your home

Removing the smell of stale smoke and nicotine from your home isn’t an easy task, however, once you do it, you’ll probably find that you never want to have the smell of smoke in your home again.

Final thoughts…

If you want to quit smoking, reach out to your doctor for more advice. 

Are you thinking about beginning your quitting journey? If so we’d love to hear your thoughts and possibly your reasons for quitting in the comments section below. As always, if you’ve found this article of any value we would love for you to share it with your friends and family, across social media and beyond.

Quitting Journey - how to stop smoking and try vaping instead | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog
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