Technology Difference: 3 Ways How Men vs Women Use Tech

There’s no denying the fact that technology has come a long way when it comes to our reliance on it. Though if one were to take a closer look, one finds that a distinct pattern occurs when comparing the technology difference with respects to gender. Studies show that gender plays a crucial role in the way we relate or perceive technology. One is likely to find a man in search of love on a Jain matrimony site as opposed to a woman. 

Technology Difference: 3 Ways How Men vs Women Use Tech 1

Technology Difference As a Career Choice 

One finds that men greatly outnumber the women who make a living from inventing or managing technology. At the surface, one might be quick to go with the option that men are smarter than women. And with technologically inclined careers needing individuals to be knowledgeable in Maths, Electronics, etc, then it’s only natural that men dominate the tech workforce. Studies prove this to be false, women are the smarter of humans.

Why then do women not dominate the world of tech? The answer to this lies with women’s interests in jobs that offer human contact or help others out. Men, on the other hand, have a different outlook, with most being fine with jobs which centre on inanimate objects.

If you’re looking in an influencer sphere, the technology difference here is that women are early adapters to creating influence online through tech. 

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Purchasing Technology 

Men go all-in when it comes to gadgets. A man’s love for his gadgets almost has no bonds just like a couple in blissful Buddhist matrimony. He’s more likely to purchase a gadget without much regard to its value. Women, on the other hand, tend to consider the value of a technological product before making a purchase decision and that’s a huge factor when it comes to technology difference. 

A lady also spends more time researching an item as opposed to a man. With the high-value smartphones bring to the table, it’s of little wonder why more women own one in the US than men. They are also more likely to research home safety technology items such as doorbell systems than men if they are living alone.

Rise of Smartphones

The appearance of smartphones has thrown conventional means of completing tasks out the window. Analysing mobile phone usage also props up some amazing and surprising stats on the use of technology by a different gender. 

How women and men fair with technological difference | Business and Tech | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog | Data | Technology Difference: 3 Ways How Men vs Women Use Tech

In the world of gaming, one would be quick to think men, rather than women would be the ones spending more time playing games. Research proves that women are the true gamers as far as smartphones are concerned. Women also spend more time surfing through social networks. This relates back to earlier and women being the leaders in the influencer sector. So high is their dominance in this, that of the major social platforms men can only boast of having a higher standing on LinkedIn. Women are more likely to forge careers solely from their mobile phone to become a #bossbabe.

When it comes to smartphone usage one only observes men play catch up in every area safe for the following activities:

  • Playing Media
  • Shopping
  • Reading the News 
  • Dating 

The fact that gender plays a role in the use, as well as the perception of technology, is unmistakable. Though it’s safe to say these differences are becoming less profound with technological advancement. I wonder where we will be in another 10 years time with further technological advances. Will the playing field level? Will women be trailblazers in tech companies? What will become a thing of the past like MP3 players? We’ll just have to wait and see in another decade for that!

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