5 Simple Reasons Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Last

Your first home is going to be one of the most exciting experiences in your life. Everything is new, and everything is just going to be a happy experience for the first few months. After that, you might start to feel a little stress as the lack of help around the house creeps in, and you’ve got bills coming up to your eyeballs.

But, if you’re just about to purchase your first home, don’t let that put you off. Owning a home is something we all have to do at some point in our lives. However, your first home should never be your last.

The world is your oyster when it comes to a home, and that excitement you felt when moving for the first time can be felt all over again. All you need to do is find some suitable real estate agents from the area in which you wish to live. For instance, if you would like to move to Knoxville, then find yourself the best Knoxville real estate agents who can help with information should you need advice about buying another property.

Yes, there will be stress buying your first home, but there are just so many nice and new homes coming onto the market, that it would be a shame if you restricted yourself to just the one home all your life! So, if you can’t see clearly why you should move again at some point, here are a few reasons why.

5 Simple Reasons Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Last 1

5 Simple Reasons Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Last

The Variety

The variety of houses out there should be what draws you into considering whether you should be getting a second home. Homeowners are some of the worst people for prowling estate agent apps and speaking to Lynchburg realtors to see what new homes are coming onto the market, purely because they’re nosey. But it’s this stalking of the apps that can eventually lead to the move.

Eventually, jealousy will catch up, and you will want to find a new home that suits you more. That’s not to say that your current home doesn’t do so already.

Your current home might have been perfect for you at the time of purchase, but eventually, you do get bored of seeing the same four walls all of the time. Think of a home like a new pair of shoes.

You absolutely love them in the beginning, and they’re your most favourite item in your wardrobe. However, after a few weeks of wearing them, they start to become a bit old and bruised, and a new pair catches your eye.

That’s exactly what happens when it comes to the housing marketing. Plus, there’s just so much variety out there. You’ve got a cluster house, apartments, detached houses, semi-detached houses, houses with a garden, houses without etc. The list could go on forever, but the point we’re trying to make is that there’s always going to be something new out there to catch your eye.


It all depends on what you’re looking for, what your current house is missing, and how much money you’re going to be prepared to pay for the investment you would make. The more you spend, the more likely you are to stay in your second home for longer. However, if you feel as though you’re already struggling with the bills at your current home, the last thing you should be doing is spending more money on a new one!

The Savings

The savings you could potentially make would be huge. Some houses are just so much more expensive to run, and people seem to be paying through the nose just to keep it warm during the winter. A different house could be so much more economical, even if it’s not necessarily a smaller home.

To be more economical, it just needs to be easier to heat, and maybe it could even use different methods of having electricity, such as solar panels. A new home with solar panels would completely change your life. Some people will argue that they aren’t the best to look at, but solar panels are the future, and in a few years time you’re going to see more and more houses featuring them.

5 Simple Reasons Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Last 2

Plus, they could save hundreds and hundreds each year on electricity bills, just by one simple installation. Some of the newer build houses are also so much more modern, but the price of the mortgage is so low. If you were to move to a new build, you’d have certain guarantees as well.

If something went wrong with the home, that was due to the way it was built, wired up, or how to plumbing was installed, you’d be able to claim against the property developer. They also have a team of people on standby who would be able to sort the problem for you quicker than it started.

The Fun

A lot of people think the whole idea of moving is just one big ball of stress, but when you look back, you’ve got to be able to admit that it is actually really fun. You’ve got the excitement of being able to choose a new home that you love, view the homes, and even the excitement of the bidding process to see if you’re going to win! If you ignore all of the stress that you might want to feel, the whole process is actually really fun.

If children are involved, the process is definitely going to be a mixture of stress and fun. They’ve got the worry of moving home, and the worry that they’re going to leave their old life behind. But they’ve also got the fun of exploring a new home and a new area! You’ve then got the excitement of being able to choose all of the new furniture and decor that you’re going to put in your home.

You’ve got a blank canvas to work with, and that’s what a lot of people love about the whole moving process. Make sure you book a week or so off work, however, just to make sure the whole process actually is fun rather than a nightmare.

5 Simple Reasons Why Your First Home Shouldn’t Be Your Last 3

The Discovery

The discovery of a new area is one of the reasons why your first home shouldn’t be your last. Unless you live close to a big city, the same old town can get pretty boring. You know everything that’s there, and you’ve probably done everything that’s there. A new place will help you discover new things to do. It could be something as simple as a new park, a new shopping centre, or even a new supermarket. It gives you a sort of sense of adventure that your old home just wasn’t able to give you.

You’ll be able to discover potentially new friends as well! All you would need to do is join a local gym or some other club, and it really wouldn’t be hard to make some amazing friends. Just make sure you fully embrace your new area and get out and about exploring within the first few days to have the best experience possible.

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The New Design Ideas

We’ve already touched lightly on this, but the fact you can completely switch up your old design idea is one of the reasons why at some point, you should try and move to a new home. Not that you wouldn’t be able to do a full redesign in your old home, you probably would. But a new home gives you new space to work with. It could be more modern, and you could have a completely different vision.

One of the coolest design ideas out there is Hygge. It’s a simple design that a lot of homeowners love. And there are plenty of guides on the internet that will be able to show you the best way of achieving a Hygge interior design look.

So, is the current home you’re in going to be the last home you ever have? Or are you going to take a leap of faith and go on a new adventure with a new home?

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