3 Easy Tips How To Get A Great Night’s Sleep

Ah, sleep. You know you should get 8 hours a night, but for many the struggle is real! Think tossing and turning, waking up through the night, disrupted sleep. The list goes on. You know 9/10 times it all comes down to the mattress you sleep on.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that a decent sleep is a luxury you need in your life and shouldn’t be compromised!

If you’re like me and suffer from a bad back then a memory foam mattress might be just what you need! There’s a myth that these kinds of mattresses break the bank. You see shoppers, I’m savvy and follow suit in one of America’s smartest obsessions. Couponing.


Yes. Couponing. I am a massive advocate of Groupon and you’ll have probably seen me talk about Groupons frequently. I must have bought about 5 Groupons before my last trip to Vegas and having just come home from Orlando we bought a Busch Gardens Groupon to save us 40% off part ticket prices, for all 7 of us. A huge saving. I digress.

Back to mattresses, and in particular memory foam. What if I told you that you could purchase a £1,199.99 mattress for as little as £139 would you believe me? Well, you can!

3 Easy Tips How To Get A Great Night's Sleep 1

I know you want to look….go on…you can get a new mattress at an incredible price from Groupon here!

I used to be an awful sleeper but now I get into bed and almost instantaneously I’m asleep. It’s all thanks to my night time regime though I must admit.

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3 Easy Tips How To Get A Great Night’s Sleep

So what do I do to get the best night’s sleep?

I take a hot bath for about 30 minutes before bed to relax. Usually, it’s in the dark with a lit candle and soothing meditation music. Once I’m out of the bath I then whiten and brush my teeth before generously applying Lush’s Sleepy over my arms and chest.

I use Lush’s Twilight body spray on my bed for an additional lavender led relaxation. On occasion, I have my diffuser on which pumps out lavender oil too. Can you tell it’s my favourite scent?

Sleep | How to create a luxurious bedroom in your home | Home Interior | Elle Blonde Luxury Lifestyle Destination Blog

Getting into bed I have a new mattress, as you should replace your mattress every 8 years! My memory foam, breathable mattress is sumptuous with the added comfort of a mattress topper.

It’s not as expensive as it sounds as there are many good mattresses you can get on a budget, have a look at these reviews for more info.

3 Easy Tips How To Get A Great Night's Sleep 2

A thick plump duvet (15 tog) swaddles me as I lie my head on a memory foam pillow as I drift off into a deep sleep.

Although admittedly relaxing before climbing into bed I do credit my successful sleep to the best bed set up I’ve ever had and although the mattress plays a huge part in my silent night. I am a firm believer in ensuring that you also have the full regalia. Topper, duvet and pillows are essentials too!

Queen of Sleep

You can sleep like a Queen without having to spend like one. You have just got to be a top bargain hunter. You’ll be able to now sleep well at night knowing that Groupon has your back and is looking for some great deals for you!

What are your tips for getting a good night sleep?  We would love to hear how you get a great night sleep in the comments below. As always, if you have found this article (or any of our articles) of any value we would love for you to share it with your friends and family, across social media and beyond!

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