5 Simple Reasons You Should Never Give Up Blogging

Blogging is an incredible platform that allows individuals to express themselves, connect with others, and even grow a business. However, it can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when technical issues arise or when you’re feeling burnt out. Recently, after facing a challenging few weeks filled with events and a major website transition, I came close to walking away from it all. But, as I reflected, I realised how essential blogging is, not only for me but for countless others in the digital space.

Here are five reasons why you should never give up blogging, no matter how tough things get.

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1. It Offers Long Term Growth Opportunities

Blogging, when done consistently, can open doors you never imagined. The recent transition I made from Squarespace to WordPress was daunting, filled with broken links, manual uploads, and lost comments. At times, I questioned if the move was worth it. But once the dust settled, I realised the immense benefits: lower costs, better SEO capabilities, and increased flexibility for future growth.

Yes, blogging can be frustrating, and technical issues like these might make you want to give up. But the long term potential far outweighs the short-term headaches. Whether it’s building your personal brand, growing your business, or establishing yourself as an expert in your niche, the opportunities blogging offers are vast.

2. Blogging Builds a Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of blogging is the community it builds around you. I’ve had moments of doubt, especially when feeling disconnected from the process. But every time I considered giving up, I received messages from readers telling me how much they’ve been inspired by my content.

Blogging isn’t just about you, it’s about the people you reach. Every blog post has the potential to touch someone’s life, offer advice, or even inspire them to start their own journey. Those personal connections and the sense of community make blogging incredibly fulfilling.

3. You’re a Valuable Marketing Asset

When it comes to digital marketing, bloggers and influencers have become valuable assets. It’s easy to get frustrated by the negative connotations that some people associate with blogging, especially when people refer to unethical bloggers as “blaggers.” However, it’s important to remember that serious bloggers are professionals who deliver genuine value to brands and audiences alike.

Bloggers who uphold their promises and produce valuable content are recognised as influential digital marketers. When you demonstrate your professionalism and deliver results, you create long lasting relationships with brands, opening up monetisation opportunities and solidifying your role in the industry. Blogging allows you to move beyond just writing posts it positions you as a valuable partner in marketing campaigns.

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4. Blogging Allows You to Evolve

Blogging is not static. It’s an ever evolving platform that allows you to grow and develop as a creator. You may start as a traditional blogger, but as you build your expertise, you can transition into new areas, such as digital marketing, content strategy, or even consulting.

Recently, I’ve shifted from using the term “blogger” to “digital marketer” and “influencer” because I realised that blogging is so much more than just writing articles. It’s about influencing purchase decisions, building brands, and helping companies succeed through targeted marketing efforts. By embracing the evolution of the industry, you can adapt and expand your horizons, making your blogging journey even more rewarding.

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5. You Inspire Others

One of the most powerful reasons not to give up on blogging is the impact you have on others. Even on the days when you feel discouraged, remember that your blog inspires people. Whether it’s sharing personal experiences, offering expert advice, or simply showing others that it’s possible to grow online, your blog can serve as a beacon of encouragement for your readers.

I’ve received countless messages from people who say they’ve been motivated by my posts to start their own blogs or take their businesses to the next level. Knowing that your work resonates with others and helps them pursue their dreams is an incredibly fulfilling reason to continue blogging.

Blogging, like any venture, has it’s ups and downs. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by technical issues, lack of motivation, or the negativity surrounding the industry. But the benefits of blogging far outweigh the challenges. You’re building a long term asset, forming a community, and becoming a valuable player in the digital marketing space.

If you’re feeling burnt out or questioning whether to continue, take a step back and remember why you started blogging in the first place. Reflect on the lives you’ve touched, the growth you’ve experienced, and the opportunities that blogging has brought your way. And, most importantly, know that quitting would mean giving up on all the potential that blogging has to offer.

14 thoughts on “5 Simple Reasons You Should Never Give Up Blogging”

  1. Lindsay Davison

    Such a good read. I think I’m taking the jump and moving over the WordPress.org within the next few months, but definitely getting someone to do this for me – I’m useless!

    1. Honestly, pay somebody – it’s been traumatic, to say the least. I had a company offer to do it in exchange for a review then they went silent when I think they saw the size of the job. I still have 45 broken emails to fix and a bit of titivating to do but I thought it was just going to be like oh press one button and then upload. If you’re on wordpress.com it should be simple enough as a hosting company will do all the hard that for you for like £3-£6 a month (have a post about that this week). You should be able to just back it up and upload. Clearly SS are like a clingy ex-boyfriend that don’t want you to go though!! x

  2. I agree that blogger is kind of an outdated term or rather it’s got antiquated perceived values whereas digital content marketing is so hot right now and that’s what you do and what you are so brilliant at doing, don’t let those who let you down make you feel under par yourself, you are amazing, you are inspirational and you are so good at just being you, feisty, fabulous, definitely not to be messed with, you’re unique and amazing and I love you!

    1. I know right, it’s all nearly settled I just hope the move doesn’t decrease my DA. That’s all I’m worried about. I have increased and worked on my SEO though and my site views have grown 100% since the move so fingers crossed?

  3. Diane knott

    Loved this post, especially authentic bit about people attending events etc and not even posting about it etc even if it was just a picture on Instagram or something. When people go to the effort to put an event on and invite you I just find it disrespectful not to praise and post. As for you missy – your so inspiring! I remember coming to one of your first events and was so overwhelmed by the amount of effort you put into it all! It got my gears moving I tell you! Haha! X

    1. Awww Diane, you are fabulous! Your words are simply the kindest! Thank you thank you thank you! It’s hard you know because I love the industry but there’s some bad eggs who make it hard for everybody. It’s exhausting because some people think they are entitled to FREE (that word makes my skin crawl) for nothing in return and it’s sad because they miss the whole digital marketing point! Xx

  4. So happy that it is over and you’re now not only still into blogging and growing each day but also saving lots of money after the move!

    1. Yeah certainly, I’m back to where I am most passionate. Smooth seas never make a skilled sailor is something to live by. I totally agree with that – you have to take the good with the bad!

  5. Ugh, that sounds like such a nightmare! I think I would have wanted to give up too!

    I totally agree with you on those who are just out for ‘freebies’ which makes others look bad. They do behave like they are entitled to receive things without having to do anything in return. Thing is, nothing is ever FREE; it’s always in exchange for something.

    You’ve done so much and especially having to do everything over again, it’s tantamount to your character that you didn’t just chuck it all in. Inspiring to say the least!

    1. I’m not going to lie I am absolutely exhausted but in the end everything will be worth it. I already love my site more now than I used to – it’s so much better which inspires me to do so much more so that’s only a good thing right?

      You know what gripes me is when PRs say ‘we want to offer you a FREE box of tea’ erghhhh please stop!!!!!! xx

  6. Migrating WordPress isn’t as easy as it should be. I transferred a hosting account for a friend. Transfer the wordpress site from one host and install it on another. However with 5 years of news / blog posts and several thousand photos (in various sizes). My head was battered.
    Wordpress boast of their 5 minute installation, but their 2 nights of website transfer is not as widely publicised.
    If for what ever reason you were to chuck it in. Have a long period to think about it. I’ve walked away from a couple of projects that I’d built up to be successful and I regret doing it. Glad its nearly all sorted anyway.

    1. Alan, I don’t know how you did over 5 years of content, my head was battered with just 2. It was really stressful, although not on the WordPress behalf it was the Squarespace side. They really let me down and I’ve only just realised I have hundreds of posts with missing images which is a nightmare. I simply do not have the time to go back and re-add them, then I feel that it affects the enjoyment of the site. AHHHH if only I wish I had of started on WP…hindsight is a wonderful thing ey?

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