Guest Post: 5 Ways How to stay healthy in your hectic schedule

Your hectic schedule is definitely a killer of all your plans. No matter how much time you want to take out for yourself, you just can’t. In the midst of your routine dilemma, your health is being highly neglected. You are stuffed up with an unhealthy meal and you haven’t exercised since ages.

Don’t let this hectic schedule get the best of you, and undermine your health. Here are some simple ways to which you can stay healthy without spending a lot of time:

Water on the Go:

It is a no brainer that excessive amount of water is the solution to all your health problems. This is why it is necessary for you to keep a jug of water with you all the times. Carry it along with you wherever you go and keep drinking it at nominal intervals. This way you won’t be dehydrated and your body will stay active.

Fruits – Your New Best Friend:

You might not get time to go out and shop for yourself, but your house help can always do that for you. Cut out the fruits and keep them in a bowl all the time. This way, instead of munching unhealthy snacks, you will always have an access to a lot of energy. Just grab a bite whenever you feel like eating something.

Keep Your Mobile And Laptop Out!

It should be kept in mind that mobile phone, laptops and all other electronic devices are the enemies of your peaceful sleep. What you should do is keep your mobile phones out of your room or simply shut them down whenever you sleep. This way, you will be able to protect yourself from sleep deprivation, improper sleep, digestive upset, weight gain, and irritability etc.


Natural Personal Care Regimen:

Shampoo, Soaps, Perfumes, Makeup and even your toothpaste has chemicals. So, what should you do if you have no time to cleanse your skin or massage your hair? Simply, opt for products which are natural and organic. Not only will you be giving yourself a huge favour, but these harmful toxins going out of your life will contribute greatly to a healthy lifestyle.

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High-Intensity Training:

Your routine isn’t allowing you to hit the gym regularly or keep up with your morning run. But, you can always train yourself to maintain your body. Without taking much of your time, high-intensity interval training will boost your energy.

Also, learning cardio moves can help you a lot. So, whenever you have a minute or two, you can easily do squats, lunge-walk or whatever you think is appropriate for you at that moment. An easier solution than all of this would be investing into high-quality mini stepper. It won’t be taking a lot of space into your home and time, which definitely means workout on the go!


Unsuitable routine can lead you to problems with digestion, immune system and sleep deprivation etc. Moreover, abundance in bacteria becomes a cause of indigestion, gas, stomach, bloating and excessive weight gain. The best solution is taking probiotics regularly. They will help put your digestive system into right track, without requiring any efforts and time.

Author Bio:

healthy - ida jones elle blonde

Ida Jones is a mother of two little ones. She enjoys home-based workouts, cardio exercises and long runs. Loves spending her vacations outdoors with her kids around nature.

She believes in clean and healthy eating. She regularly writes about fitness tips and much more at Fitness Grit.

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