3 Amazing Reasons To Move Vs Renovate For A Dream Home

We all aspire to live in our dream homes, a beautiful place where we can feel happy and comfortable. Sometimes we can find ourselves in the position where we have to decide between improving the house we have or to move home to somewhere new entirely. With the right renovations, a house can become whatever you want it to be. However, there can be restrictions and limitations. So when making your decision, these are the things to bear in mind.

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Is It The Right Size?

If you currently own a tiny home and want something large and spacious, or want to grow your family, the size is probably going to be an issue. While you can extend in many cases, if your current property is a lot smaller than the dream home you have in mind then it might be time to look into moving. You could browse high-end dream homes to find out what the alternatives are.

If your home is already a good size with space to extend, you could possibly work with what you have. Changing the layout to create the right number of bedrooms and bathrooms can be done with renovations. Plus extra space can be added through extensions.

Is The Garden Spacious Enough?

This is something you’re never going to be able to extend, so decide if your garden is big enough. Bear in mind that if you extend your home, this will cut into the space you have outside. If you only have a small yard and have always dreamed about a spacious garden with your own vegetable patch, greenhouse, pond, water feature or anything else. Then it’s a clue that you need to move rather than renovate.

Beautiful Garden with a Pergola

Is It In a Good Area?

This is one of the most important things to bear in mind. You can change the house, but you can’t change the area. You’ll ideally want to settle somewhere which has pleasant neighbours, low crime rates and good local amenities. Sometimes you might be able to spot a bargain in an up and coming neighbourhood. There are signs to look out for which show that certain areas are going to become more desirable over time.

However this can be risky, so make sure you do your research before investing in a property like this. Especially if you want it to be your forever home. Even if you don’t have children now if there’s a chance of having them in the future you’ll want to make sure there are good parks and schools nearby too. The kinds of places you’d be happy for them to go to.

You should always buy the worst house on the best street to renovate as the location is everything and will ma

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Are There Any Dream Home Limitations On Improvements?

Even if your current property seems like an ideal starting point, it’s worth making sure you can actually make the renovations you want. Some buildings may have restrictions, and others will have to conform to strict planning permission. Meaning certain changes won’t be possible. Once you know the kinds of adjustments you’re allowed to make, you can then decide if it’s worth staying or moving

Dream Home-Interiors-Wooden-Flooring-Elle-Blonde-Luxury-Lifestyle-Destination-Blog

Have you chosen to renovate a home instead of moving to another home? We would absolutely love to hear your experiences in the comments section below as it may help other readers to make the difficult decision to stay or move. As always, if you have found this article of any value we would love for you to share it with friends and family, across social media and beyond.

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