My Weight Loss Story – How to Lose 2 Stone in 2 Months

I’ve never been naturally skinny, I was always known as “the fat” one throughout my school career. My weight ballooned when I went to college and started going out drinking to the local student night on a Thursday night and of course, the obligatory pizza on the way home didn’t help either! I was having too much of a good time to think about my weight loss.

In September 2008 I started university and my weight spiralled out of control even more so to the point I was pushing on a size 18. Going out 4 or 5 times a week did nothing for my waistline and thinking back I don’t know how I even ever afforded the lifestyle either!

It was Christmas 2009 when we got our little Jack Russell puppy and I can remember editing all of the photos before putting them onto Facebook to try and hide how much weight I was carrying.

This went on for a little while and I did nothing about it, I could cover it up and just carry on going out binging and eating and not caring.

My Weight Loss Story – How to Lose 2 Stone in 2 Months

The weight loss kick starter

Then Christmas 2010 I saw THAT photo and that was the moment everything changed. I dragged my sorry fat ass to the gym every single day come hell or high water. Cut carbs and lived in soups, salads and grilled fish. I stopped drinking and took my car on nights out to make sure I stuck to it. I kept this up for two whole months and dropped 2 stone going from a size 16/18 to a size 10/12.

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I was looking and feeling absolutely great and people were commenting about how amazing I looked. I kept up with my strict regime and by the time Summer 2011 arrived and I was heading to Ibiza with 4 slim friends I was 10 1/2 stone and for the first time in my life I could throw on any dress and feel great, I was confident to walk around in a bikini I literally loved the new me.

After a week of shots, sunsets and far too many subways on the walk home I’d put on half a stone. The next target was my 21st in the November. I had 4 months to drop a stone which I knew was possible so back to the gym and rabbit diet I went.

My 21st I looked amazing, opting for not one but two dresses I was super confident.


Christmas came around and all the excess to go with it. I found myself in a new relationship not long after in the New Year and my weight began to creep up. Here we are 4 years later and a yo-yo’ing three stone later I decided enough was enough after favourite dresses that once looked fabulous no longer fit over my head.

New year, new me

On December 14th my New Years resolutions started. As I said I’ve tried every single diet and fad going to no success knowing deep down I had to make the sacrifices I made when I dropped from a size 16/18 to a size 8/10, that was until my best friend told me about Slenderiiz.


A revolutionary weight loss programme to help speed up fat burning. I was sceptical at first until she gave me the programme to try. I laughed as I thought here we go again.

Slenderiiz is a two bottle system. The first liquid is an appetite suppressant which you drop 0.7ml under your tongue, 10 minutes later you drop 1ml of the second bottle a natural mix designed to accelerate your metabolism under your tongue and swallow before breakfast and lunch. At dinner time (tea time as my friends always tell me) you only are required to drop the first bottle – don’t worry it’s easy and the bottles are numbered.

Diet is 80% of the issue

I eat clean anyways as I recently discovered a small intolerance to wheat and grain so my diet consists of a breakfast of fruit, for lunch, I usually have a tuna salad or a bowl of homemade soup and for tea, I love getting creative. I particularly love a courgetti dish and totally recommend this spiralizer for the perfect courgetti!

Find out how to tone up without exercising

I had been gym dodging for a few weeks before starting so in my first week I wanted to go easy. I did two half an hour sessions one on Wednesday and one on Friday.

Now let me explain. I weighed myself everyday for this week to see if there was an immediate difference. The results were absolutely astonishing beyond belief!


I began on the Monday and on the Tuesday morning I had lost 2lbs. Wednesday morning another two pounds down. On Thursday morning I dropped another pound so in four days 5lbs had gone.

All together in my first week on Slenderiiz I lost 6lbs. With very minimal effort!


The two bottles in the set last 28 days and are 100% full of natural ingredients. In the set you also get a food list of what you can eat which is vast. It also gives you meal inspiration.

I’m not going to post any before and after posts until the 28 days are up, with Christmas and New Year to battle through it’ll be no easy feat. I’m ready to show you if I can survive Christmas with an extreme weight loss then you’ll be able to too this New Year.


Can’t wait and want to buy Slenderiiz in time for the New Year, new you? You can order them directly here.

If you’re looking for the best weight loss tips, honestly, clean eating (and eating as little red meat as possible) – soups, salads and balanced meals plus daily exercise, lots of water and no alcohol is undoubtedly the best weight loss tips. Eat less, move more. And while supplements and fad diets may be a quick fix, trust me. I’ve been there, done it all and the only way you’ll achieve great weight loss results is being strict and clean!

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